Discover Freemasonry

Mythic past. Visionary future. Legendary brotherhood. Freemasonry is the world’s largest, oldest and best-known gentleman’s fraternity. It is based on the medieval stonemason guilds who built the great castles and cathedrals of Europe. Modern Freemasons likewise use the tools, traditions and terminology of those earlier stonemasons as allegories for building Temples in the hearts of men. At its core, Freemasonry is simply an attempt to make the world a better place, one man at a time. For that man, it can become as simple or as complicated as he himself desires. It’s not for everybody. Maybe it’s for you.

Register Now our Annual Festive Board on May 20th!

A Festive Board is a formal, multi-course meal that harkens back to the earlier days of Masonry when many lodges met above bars or inns. There are several formal toasts between the various courses, and there will be an open bar with a wide variety of alcoholic beverages provided.

Unlike a Table Lodge, a Festive Board is not tiled, and is open to both men and women. However, given the open bar, this event is restricted to individuals aged 21 and over.

This year, Ionic Composite Lodge is pleased to be able to toast Honored Lady Cindi Tabrisky, Grand Royal Matron of the California Order of the Amaranth and her husband Joe as our Guests of Honor.

Cost is $60/person payable by cash or check at the door. No venmo or credit cards please.

Date: May 20, 2024, 6:00 pm. Suit and Tie requested.


Time to Knock it Out of the Park Again!

It's that time of year again! Join the Lodges of the Media Central Titans team as we try to raise more money for this amazing charity than other local teams! Every $20 donation gets a child in need a $50-$70 mitt, emblazoned with Masons of California. It also supports coaching, after school programming, and healthcare and mental illness support for youth who need it. Donate now!

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